Saturday, June 2, 2012

Monsoon season

In this godforsaken corner of the globe that your Captain and Mad Bess call home, the first of June normally marks the beginning of monsoon season, and this year was no exception.  Torrential rains most of the day, some of the fiercest that we've ever weathered in fact.  And for his own sake I hope those selfsame rains drowned the filthy bilge rat who saw fit to pilfer the halogen docking lamps from the stern of the S.S. Magnum whilst Captain Jack's back was turned... them lamps were a birthday gift from me sainted mother-in-law Iron Milly, so if you've survived the monsoons, boyo, ye'd best pray that our paths never cross, or the kiss of Captain Jack's cutlass will be the last kiss you receive before shuffling off to Davy Jones' Locker (if he'll even have a lowlife piece of lubberly scum like you, that is!)  Captain Jack is not best pleased with this turn of events, to say the least.

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