Friday, June 8, 2012

Captain, we've sighted pancakes!

Mad Bess and myself had a bit of a summit conference this evening with some pirate associates of ours.  In the days of your captain's youth, this would have involved swordplay, prodigious amounts of rum, and at least one or two hacked-off or poked-out body parts (all in good fun, you understand!)  In these politically correct times, however, swordplay was replaced with conversation, rum was replaced with hot tea, and the most violent act committed was when we took our knives and savagely attacked our delicious delicious pancakes and then attempted to drown their remains in whipped butter and blueberry syrup... did I not mention that this summit meeting took place at International House of Pirates Pancakes?  T'is a new age of piratin'... adapt or die, mateys, adapt or die!

Pancakes:  The new doubloons!

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