If you're anything like me, then you're constantly getting into long-winded discussions about what weapon would be most desirable when the inevitable zombie apocalypse finally happens. It's kind of surprising to me that so many people still favour firearms, even though we've spent the better part of two years seeing what kind of havoc Daryl can wreak among the undead with his crossbow (which is quiet so it doesn't attract more of them, unlike guns which draw them from miles around!) Plus, ain't nobody manufacturing ammo anymore, yo (the workers all staged a shamble-out in case you hadn't heard) but you can always fashion your own bolts/quarrels from whatever is around, and even reuse them if you're careful about open cuts and whatnot. That said, I think this dude has come up with the weapon I would most like to have when everything goes to shit... a repeating crossbow (like the Chinese had 2400 years ago but not as accurate as theirs)... with some refinement and practice I think it would be a very effective (and stealthy) weapon against the walkers, especially if we're in this for the long haul (and you KNOW we will be)...
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