Sunday, April 29, 2012

Thirteen years of pillaging and plundering together

Arrrr, mateys!  T'was indeed 13 years ago that Mad Bess and your Captain pledged, under the eyes of God and Cthulhu, to permanently ally our cutlasses and sail the seven seas together till one or both of us rests in Davy Jones' locker.  Today we celebrated by plundering Last Chance Thrift Store... we had a coupon for 50% off everything, so we'd have been idiots not to... and while Bess and I may be many things, idiots we are not! 

Afterward I drew my cutlass (and by cutlass I mean credit card) and stormed Bawarchi restaurant, making off with their cargo of delicious Indian grub.  Meanwhile, Mad Bess kept the S.S. Magnum idling, for a quick getaway (that is, it was idling so the air conditioner would stay running... after all, the humidity here in the Horse Latitudes is less than pleasant, ya scurvy dogs!)  Later we enjoyed the spoils of our raid, with a hearty bottle of grog (Almaden Moscato, purchased plundered from Publix) whilst watching Live Free or Die Harrrrd.  Aye, t'was truly an anniversary that would make any pirate proud!

"One day, mateys... one day..."

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