Ahoy, mateys! Come set sail with Captain Jack, first mate Mad Bess, and the funky feline crew, on a voyage through the intriguing worlds of feral cat care, delicious grog, vegetarian grub, science, history, cinema, music, art, fashion, zombies, dancing, zombie dancing, thrift shops, pop culture, and wherever else the four winds take us! But heed ye the words of Rufus Excalibur ffolkes: "I like cats. And I don't like people who don't."

Monday, August 27, 2012
Tropical Storm Isaac
"The wind in the wires made a tattletale sound, and a wave broke over the railing"... not! Here at Feral Cove we're only getting some light rain showers and the odd gust of wind... if this be what the kids today call a tropical storm, then Captain Jack has naught but contempt fer 'em! Landlubbers!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Waldo Kitty
Farewell, my dear friend Waldo... Captain Jack will meet you at the Rainbow Bridge, should he be found worthy when all is said and done. I love you, buddy.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Meet the crew!
Name: Joseph, a.k.a. "Joey Boy"
Rank: Chief Lookout
Ethnicity: Lilac-point Siamese
Anyone who has ever captained a pirate ship knows that you've got to have a reliable lookout in the crow's nest to warn you when there are enemy vessels heaving into view, or when a renegade island, iceberg, or continent is on a collision course with your ship, thanks to the effects of excess rum (damn those drunken continents... there ought to be a law!) That said, Captain Jack is blessed to have Joey Boy's sharp eyes scanning the horizon from the top of the mainmast... what, me worry? I should cocoa!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Riddle me this, mateys...
Go ye to any establishment that sells "cat food," examine the selection offered, and think about these questions:
How many cats do you know who have taken down a full grown cow?
How many cats do you know who have taken down a turkey, or even a chicken?
How many cats do you know who have scored a tuna from a deep sea fishing boat?
How many cats do you know who have successfully swiped a salmon from a rushing mountain stream?
Not many, Captain Jack wagers.
So why do the major cat food manufacturers offer flavours like "beef", "chicken", "turkey", "salmon", and "tuna and ocean whitefish?" No feral cat around these parts would be familiar with such things! Surely "Citrus Rat Surprise", "Lizard Kebabs", "Cockroach Clusters", and "Gecko Fritters" would be far more suitable for the local feral market... but then again Captain Jack is only captain of a pirate ship, and not a captain of industry.
How many cats do you know who have taken down a full grown cow?
How many cats do you know who have taken down a turkey, or even a chicken?
How many cats do you know who have scored a tuna from a deep sea fishing boat?
How many cats do you know who have successfully swiped a salmon from a rushing mountain stream?
Not many, Captain Jack wagers.
So why do the major cat food manufacturers offer flavours like "beef", "chicken", "turkey", "salmon", and "tuna and ocean whitefish?" No feral cat around these parts would be familiar with such things! Surely "Citrus Rat Surprise", "Lizard Kebabs", "Cockroach Clusters", and "Gecko Fritters" would be far more suitable for the local feral market... but then again Captain Jack is only captain of a pirate ship, and not a captain of industry.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Four years ago today we lost a dear friend and dedicated crewmember, at the all-too-young age of eleven. Fester came aboard when Mad Bess and myself made a brief stop in the Canadian Maritimes, and during his years sailing with us he showed nothing but compassion and caring toward his shipmates. He was a unique combination of chaplain, counselor, physician, gormless lovable lug, and just an all-around good egg, wanting to befriend everyone he met, cuddling and comforting any crewmate who was poorly (even the ones who had been mean to him in the past) and never without a cheery "Hello!" to all who crossed his path. Fester, you have a special place in Captain Jack's heart, and (with tears falling upon the ship's keyboard now) I can honestly say that our loss is Heaven's gain. I miss you, buddy.
Meet the crew!
Name: Jessminder "Jessie" Jamieson
Rank: Chief Box Inspector
Ethnicity: Tuxedo
The thing about boxes is, you never know if they contain treasure until you inspect them. In the pirate world, this is very important: After all, if it weren't for treasure, we freebooters would pretty much all be greeting shoppers at Wal-Mart, flipping burgers at McDonald's, or hanging around the local Manpower office holding cardboard signs that say, "Will work halfheartedly for rum." (Not that there is anything wrong with that!) So if you command a pirate ship, as Captain Jack does, it makes good financial sense to employ a professional box inspector who takes her job seriously, and that describes our Jessie to a nicety. If a box appears from anywhere, you can count on her to seize it and inspect the living daylights out of it. Just look at the grim determination on her face... that box isn't going to get away with anything, on her watch! Now there's a crewman that Captain Jack can count on!
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